From flood protection to carbon capture, the health of the Delta impacts us in ways we may not realize.
In order to maintain what is left, the Delta needs stewardship and protection.

The lands and waters of the Saskatchewan River Delta hold immense ecological and cultural value.
The older and younger generations of Cumberland House together both advocate for the conservation and reclamation of the Delta. Local groups have taken lead on these efforts by:
Dredging the Old Channel to help water travel towards the Cumberland Marshes, which provides habitat for many species
Clearing waterways from log jams so that water can move through the channels
Advocating to burn and control invasive species such as Phragmites grasses to help muskrat and other species’ habitats
Participating in community groups and research to help bring awareness to the Delta and initiate the protection dialogue
Creating various educational materials to help inform others about the importance of the Delta
Initiating application for Ramsar designation of the Delta. Learn more about Ramsar here.
Together, we can reverse the slow death of the Delta.
Cumberland House Cree Nation (CHCN)
"We are building a healthy, unified Cree Nation by preserving our language, culture, and traditions. We are strengthening our Cree Nation by becoming financially, economically, socially, and politically independent."
As a First Nation within the Delta, CHCN is a major participant in Delta stewardship. Our people experience all of the benefits and impacts on the Delta first-hand.
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society Saskatchewan
“Our vision is to protect at least half of our public land and ocean in a framework of reconciliation – for the benefit of both wildlife and humans.”
CPAWS has been working with various partners of the Delta towards safeguarding its landscape for over 10 years.
Ducks Unlimited Canada
“Our mission is to conserve, restore and manage wetlands and associated habitats for North America’s waterfowl.”
Ducks Unlimited Canada has worked in the Cumberland Marshes within the Saskatchewan River Delta for over five decades. They continue to work with locals and other partners to advance conversations.
University of Saskatchewan
“We will be an outstanding institution of research, learning, knowledge-keeping, reconciliation, and inclusion with and by Indigenous peoples and communities.”
Various professors from the University of Saskatchewan’s School of Environment and Sustainability (SENS) have been working with the community of Cumberland House and in the Saskatchewan River Delta for almost 10 years. They continue to build relationships while exploring important aspects of the Delta.
World Wildlife Fund Canada
“Our long-term vision is simple: to create a world where nature and people thrive.”
For more than half a century, WWF-Canada has worked to protect nature. Connecting the power of a strong global network operating in more than 100 countries with on-the-ground conservation efforts across Canada, they are dedicated to reversing wildlife decline and combating climate change.